Red Deer Ramblers


Dedicated to hiking and preserving the beauty of natural areas, 

mountains and parks.



Membership in the Red Deer Ramblers

The Red Deer Ramblers, founded in 1998, is a year round hiking and snowshoeing club based in Central Alberta.  

Our membership year is April 1 to March 31. 

Membership fees for 2024/25 are $15. per person. 

If you are interested in joining our club, read our Guidelines, print, sign, and email back our Annual Waiver, complete the online Membership Form, and pay the annual fee. We prefer you e-transfer the annual fee to; however you may sign up in person at one of our "membership events" in April. You can contact us at with any questions. 

Everyone must be a paid member, and have a signed waiver for the current year, before joining any hike. 

The club plans a variety of hikes or snowshoeing events, many easy or moderate, some difficult, or even very difficult. Some are in Central Alberta, others in the mountains. Members must have the ability to complete any event they wish to participate in. Refer to the rating system in our Guidelines to help select an appropriate event. Contact the coordinator in advance if you are uncertain you have the endurance for the event. 

All events are posted on the Events Calendar.  Please be aware that events may be added, deleted, or modified at any time. Carpooling meeting places are identified for out of town trips. 

Occasional extended (overnight) trips may be planned. Members are alerted to trips well in advance as usually everyone must make their own accommodation arrangements. 

The Red Deer Ramblers have a private group Facebook page where event information and photos are shared. Current club members can visit the FB page and submit a request to join. 

The coordinators for our scheduled events are volunteers, not professional guides